Histoires d’impact

KCCO’s evidence-based community eye health programs effect change in communities and at different levels of the health system. While many of our stories of impact document how we strengthen the building blocks of high-quality and highly-effective local eye care programs, it is also important to document the stories of adults and children affected by eye diseases.

KCCO’s evidence-based community eye health programs effect change in communities and at different levels of the health system. While many of our stories of impact document how we strengthen the building blocks of high-quality and highly-effective local eye care programs, it is also important to document the stories of adults and children affected by eye diseases. Today, […]

Lucia is a girl aged 7 years. She is the only child of her mother, who died three days after her birth. Lucia lives with her grandmother in a village called Busega in Simiyu Region. According to Lucia’s grandmother, Lucia was born with normal eyes. When she was 3 years old, she started a new […]

STRENGHTENING CAPACITY FOR PAEDRIATIC REFRACTION AND LOW VISION IN TANZANIA While insufficient manpower to deliver eye care services is definitely an issue in many settings in sub-Saharan Africa, it is also true that existing human resources are underutilized. It is sometimes possible to have a great impact simply by offering complementary training to existing eye […]